Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): XbaI/SalI--3.0, 2.1; BamHI--3.3, 1.5, 0.3; HindIII--4.2, 0.9; EcoRI--3.0, 2.1; XhoI--5.1. The insert contains the following restriction sites (nt positions according to the published sequence): BamHI--297, 538; SacII--315; StuI--590; NcoI--670; HindIII--1132. Contains the complete sequenced cDNA, with the coding region extending from nt 107 to nt 1021. The poly(A) tail of 17 bp is 16 bp downstream of the canonical polyadenylation signal. Detects a mRNA of 2.4 kb in placenta. Oriented such that transcription from the T7 promoter gives the sense strand. |