Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--4.6, 1.5, 0.33; SacI--6.4; HindIII--3.5, 2.95. Available for research purposes only. One of a series of vectors (ATCC 77463-77465 and 77468-77471) differing only in the selectable marker and the orientation of the gap promoter. Differs from pUXV1 (ATCC 77463) only in the orientation of the gap promoter and the available cloning site. Shuttle expression vector using Ustilago maydis promoters gap (glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase) and hsp70 to drive expression of the cloned insert and hygromycin B resistance genes respectively. The order of the major features in the plasmid is: Ustilago maydis ARS - ampR - pMB1 ori - 5' lacZ fragment - EcoRI - SacI <- gap promoter - BamHI - HindIII - hsp70 promoter -> XhoII - hygR - XhoII -> 3' lacZ fragment. |