Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): BglII--4.8; HindIII--4.5, 0.26; NcoI/SalI--4.3, 0.78; SstI--2.85, 2.0; XhoI--4.8. The insert contains the following restriction sites (approximate kb from the 5' end): BamHI--1.89; BglI--0.86; BglII--0.09; HindIII--0.12; NcoI--0.59; NotI--0.04; PstI--0.05, 0.16, 0.69; PvuI--0.51; PvuII--0.44, 1.35; SmaI--1.37. A 1.4 kb NcoI/SacI fragment has been subcloned into a mammalian expression vector and used to demonstrate function in kidney cell line 293. Contains an intronless open reading frame of 1170 nt that begins at nt 592 of the sequence. Enzymes not detecting polymorphism: BamHI BglI BglII EcoRI HindIII MspI PstI PvuII RsaI SstI TaqI XbaI. |