Morphology |
After 2 weeks at 25°C colonies slow growing, compact, prominently raised, grey to pale buff or olive green, reverse black, surface velvety. Conidiophores pale olivaceous brown, paler towards the apex, straight or curved, rarely branched, scars conspicuous. Conidia subhyaline to pale olivaceous, obclavate or cylindro-obclavate, straight or curved, (1-) 5 (-10)-septate, apex obtuse, base truncate or round, with a visible thickened hilum, 20-132 (av. 72) x 2,5-5 μm, tapering towards the apex. |
References |
Mulder JL, Stover RH. Mycosphaerella species causing banana leaf spot. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 67: 77-82, 1976.
Trop. Agric. 53: 111-114, 1976.