Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): NotI--2.9, 0.9; PvuI--2.85, 1.1; PvuII--2.6, 1.3; KpnI--3.8; SacI--3.8. Expression of RPS4X is not dosage-compensated. Sequence analysis and mapping data suggest that RPS4X is the same as the previously identified SCAR. RPS4X maps distal to the breakpoint in A68-2A and proximal to the breakpoint in W4-1A. The insert contains the complete coding sequence for a polypeptide of 263 amino acids, 35 nucleotides 5' untranslated and 61 nucleotides 3' untranslated followed by 10 adenosines. pDP1284 detects an abundant 1.0 kb transcript in male and female cells. pDP1278 (ATCC 65108, 65109) and pDP1284 (ATCC 65110, 65111) each detect a larger number of restriction fragments in Southern blots than expected from either locus alone. There are probably pseudogenes. |